[Award] “The 67th TO-O Award,” 2014 Granted to the PG Refining Technology Development Group
On Dec. 6, 2014, Hirosaki University received the “TO-O Award” as part of a PG* Refining Technology Development Group, along with joint venture partners, Kakuhiro Corporation and Aomori Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Center. The group, was selected for the world’s first technology on mass PG extraction at low cost, which has led to a breakthrough in the industrialization and economic activation of the community.
*PG: Proteoglycan
“TO-O Award”
The To-o Nippo Press Co., Ltd. (Aomori) established the award to honor individuals and groups that have made a remarkable contribution to the development of the local society in any field, including industry, education, culture, sports and social service in Aomori.