NJRISE, Hirosaki University, The 2nd Sustainable Energy Forum, 2014 Held


On February 25th, 2015, The Second Sustainable Energy Forum, 2014, sponsored by North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (NJRISE), Hirosaki University, was held to report an annual research results that NJRISE and Aomori city have been progressed, at Chuo Citizen’s Center (Aomori City).

At the begining of the forum, MURAOKA Hirofumi, Director of NJRISE made a welcome speech and then the 2014 NJRISE research results were delivered by each faculty members in charge of four groups; Advanced Energy Materials Group, Energy Conversion Engineering Group, Geothermal Engineering Group, and Electric System Engineering Group.
Next, three test study results; “The study of Onsen (Spa) Geothermal Energy in the Cold Region”, “Aomori Biomass Industrial Development by High-Performance Biomass Gasification”, “The Study of Biogas Engine Development”, that are contract researches with Aomori City, were introduced.
Lastly, Environmental Department, Environmental Policy Division (Aomori City) reported “Utilization and Development of Renewable Energy Systems in Aomori City”, also OKADA Hisanori, Senior Researcher of Environmental Research Institute, Wasada University introduced “Creative Community Groups/Collaborative Promotion Center and Business Model to Use Local Resources”.

The participants visited NJRISE after the forum to observe the training facilities at each four groups. They listened carefully to the latest research activities that the faculty member explained.

To see some photos, visit at http://njrise.cc.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/fd94fdd3d689313698088872accfd1c1.pdf? (Japanese)

NJRISE, Hirosaki University
TEL: +81-17-735-3363
FAX: +81-17-735-5411
Email: njne@hirosaki-u.ac.jp