The 2014 Hirosaki University Emeritus/Emerita Professor Award Ceremony


Twelve Hirosaki University faculty members, who retired on March 31st 2015, received the honorable title “Emeritus/Emerita Professor of Hirosaki University” for their extraordinary commitment to education and/or research. As of April 1st 2015, this title has been awarded to 308 people in total.

The ceremony was held on June 1st (Mon.), 2015, from 11:30 in Iwaki Hall, 50th Anniversary Auditorium, Hirosaki University. Various deans and directors of the university attended this event. President Sato presented the Professor Emeritus/Emerita Distinction honorees their titles with an official written document from the university.

Following the ceremony, an informal social gathering was held for the attendees.

The following professors received the Emeritus/Emerita Distinction title from Hirosaki University in 2014:

諸岡道比古(人文学部)Morooka Michihiko (Faculty of Humanities)
植木久行(人文学部) Ueki Hisayuki (Faculty of Humanities)
CARPENTER VICTOR LEE (人文学部) Victor lee Carpenter (Faculty of Humanities)
齋藤利男(教育学部)Saito Toshio (Faculty of Education)
大島義晴(教育学部)Ohshima Yoshiharu (Faculty of Education)
木村博人(医学研究科)Kimura Hiroto (Graduate School of Medicine)
山辺英彰(保健学研究科)Yamabe Hideaki (Graduate School of Health Sciences)
對馬均(保健学研究科)Tsushima Hitoshi (Graduate School of Health Sciences)
米坂勧(保健学研究科)Yonesaka Susumu (Graduate School of Health Sciences)
氏家良博(理工学研究科)Ujiie Yoshihiro (Graduate School of Science and Technology)
原田竹雄(農so米直播命科学部)Harada Takeo (Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science)
工藤明(農so米直播命科学部)Kudo Akira (Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science)
